More profits with gold and silver through our Switch Method

Let your gold and silver work for you, without relying on rising prices.

  • Rising prices bring profits, but what about falling prices? With our Switch Method, you benefit both from rising and falling prices.
  • Once set up, it automatically switches between gold and silver, allowing you to achieve above-average returns.
  • Your gains, which you achieve easily and automatically, are even tax-free after 12 months.

Click on the link now to schedule a free consultation.

Why are your gold and silver holdings in the depot not generating high profits for you?

The decision to invest your wealth in gold and silver is wise, as it is a stable investment. However, you hope for long-term high profits, assuming that short-term high returns with precious metals are not possible.


Fluctuating demand and many other factors, such as the tie of the gold price to the US dollar, mean that you have to hold onto your gold and silver investments for many years before they bring you good profits.

Purchase price

The purchase price for gold and silver is higher than the market price, as providers factor in their margin. This means you start with a loss. If high depot fees are added, it diminishes the value of your investment despite rising prices.

Waiting time

Until you achieve pleasing profits with gold and silver, many years usually pass. You have to take the waiting position first, until it becomes worthwhile for you.



Though you made a good investment, in your thoughts, you question your decision because you are not seeing significant profits in the short term. According to statistics, private investors often liquidate their portfolios after 24 months, frequently at a loss.

With gold and silver, you achieve 

faster profits when... have low depot fees, and positive price developments immediately translate into profit. invest in the right form, for example, in gold bars instead of gold coins. let your gold and silver work for you, so that it multiplies monthly.

How do our clients 

successfully multiply their gold and silver?

The Switch Method allows our clients to generate high profits through price fluctuations. They leverage these fluctuations to automatically buy more gold or silver, and don't need to focus on price increases to achieve the desired returns.

Switch Method: Explained Simply

Our Switch Method utilizes the Gold-Silver Ratio as a foundation, automatically exchanging between gold and silver in your portfolio to enhance the overall value with each transaction. The Gold-Silver Ratio indicates how much one ounce of gold costs compared to one ounce of silver, calculated by dividing the gold price by the silver price.

Our automated Switch Method recognizes whether gold or silver is currently over- or undervalued and automatically exchanges your precious metals according to this strategy.

For years, major investors and professional traders have successfully employed this strategy, achieving monthly returns of up to 27% with gold and silver. Until now, this method was exclusive to experienced investors, but now you also have the opportunity to use the Gold-Silver Ratio fully automated through our Switch Method.

This is how you can

benefit from the Switch Method:

We receive a large number of inquiries daily, so we cannot offer our Switch Method to everyone. We'd be happy to assess, in a free consultation, whether we can set up the Switch Method for you.

Here's what you need to do now:


Fill out the form: Click the button below and leave your contact details.


We will call you within 48 hours to assess if the Switch Method is suitable for you. If it is, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled.


Our financial expert will explain to you, in a detailed video call consultation, how the Switch Method works in practice using a portfolio.

What happens during the consultation?

If we believe that the Switch Method is suitable for you, our financial expert will prepare a concept for the discussion with you. During this, it will be explained how the Switch Method can be profitably used for you.

You will receive all information about our method and, with the help of a sample portfolio, understand how you can achieve significantly higher profits with our method compared to traditional savings options.


  • Precious metals such as gold and silver are considered secure and sensible capital investments with inflation protection. When inflation is higher than the interest yield from savings, investing in precious metals can be particularly profitable to avoid negative real interest rates.
  • Precious metals like gold have guaranteed wealth preservation for millennia, as you may be aware. Gold reserves are becoming increasingly scarce, and the demand is rising year after year. Therefore, gold and silver are expected to benefit from rising prices.
  • We collaborate with multiple partners who exclusively source precious metals from LBMA-certified refineries. In Germany, there are only six refineries certified by the LBMA, allowing them to produce Good Delivery bars. Precious metals sourced from these dealers ensure the highest quality standards.
  • The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) sets the quality standards for "Good Delivery" bars. Only manufacturers certified by the LBMA are allowed to produce bars in the "Good Delivery" standard.
    "Good Delivery" bars, also known as standard bars, meet the strict quality requirements of the LBMA regarding form, weight, and purity. A standard gold bar weighs approximately 400 ounces (about 12.44 kg), with the weight varying between 350 and 430 troy ounces (1 troy ounce = 31.1 g).
    A standard silver bar weighs between 750 and 1100 ounces. The bars must have engraved serial numbers, the manufacturer's assay stamp, fineness, and the year of manufacture.
  • Through the portfolio set up via us, you purchase gold and silver monthly. In case of fluctuations, such as a rising gold price, our Switch Method intervenes automatically. 
    It systematically exchanges precious metals to your advantage, ensuring that with each swap, you acquire more precious metals. In the event of declining prices, this stabilizes your investments.
  • No, that is not possible. You can only set it up through us as we have the license, and the management must be handled by a specialized department. This is done for security reasons to prevent any unintentional errors.
  • You can have your precious metals delivered in standard denominations at any time.
  • The storage is exclusively handled by highly specialized service providers in high-security vaults. The storage locations include Zurich, London, Frankfurt am Main and Munich.
  • Your precious metals are insured in the vault against burglary, robbery, and fire at replacement value.
  • Through our method, your gains are tax-free after 12 months. For tax-related questions, please consult with your tax advisor, as it often depends on the jurisdiction.
  • Once you schedule a consultation, an expert will contact you so you can ask your questions individually. If the Switch Method is suitable for you, you can arrange a follow-up appointment with the financial expert.
    During this meeting, our advisor will create a financial plan for you and explain how the Switch Method works, using a sample portfolio to illustrate potential profits.
    If it aligns with both parties, we handle the setup for you and initiate the collaboration. The consultation and support are, of course, free of charge for you.

"Since 2006, I've been independently purchasing gold, and I would claim to be an experienced investor. However, the advice and support from Capital Future have shown me that I wasn't aware of such crucial investment tips until this support. The Switch Method is undoubtedly a game-changer. I no longer have to monitor my gold and silver independently; it is simply optimized and multiplied automatically in the portfolio. It's like a digital gold mine: Your gold and silver work for you, making it grow month by month. Looking forward to more successful years together and recommending it to anyone aiming for high and fast profits with precious metals."

Denis Hoeger Caballero
Andreas Strack
Investor and Bank clerk

Who we are?

Almost 24 years ago, on May 3, 2000, Capital Future AG was founded by Peter Schulte and Goran Fistrek in Bonn, Germany. Their goal was to ensure independent and transparent financial advice. Since then, we have been able to support over 50,000 clients with honest and independent advice on financial matters.

Honestly, financial and insurance matters often evoke a sense of unease for many. One always wonders if the right decision has been made. We understand how you feel because, as financial experts, we also need insurance and financial investments. What we choose for ourselves and our families, we offer to you with the utmost confidence. This philosophy has made us the most sought-after financial consultancy in Germany. Since 2022, we have also been advising clients in the USA, Europe, and the Middle East, thanks to digital communication channels.

Goran Fistrek

Director Capital Future AG

The thought of family is the 

centerpiece of every investment

We are aware that every investment must be associated with success. We all strive not only to make the right decisions but also to secure a worry-free future for our families. For this reason, we appreciate the responsibility that is entrusted to us daily by our clients. We are not just investing in the future; we are investing in the family.

Here we are; in Bonn, Germany.

Our headquarters are located in Bonn, and we have additional offices in Solingen, Cologne, and Wuppertal. Through our digital connections, we comfortably serve our clients worldwide via telephone or video calls.

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